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Medical Travel Portal - Helping Patients Make The Right Choice.

Medical Travel Portal operates as an online healthcare platform available for International patients worldwide. Our information platform allows patients to search for the best treatment options available in the country of their choice. They will be able to compare and evaluate various Healthcare providers across the globe, taking in to consideration specific medical needs and choice of location.

Here at the Medical Travel Portal we understand that finding the right treatment and doctor can be a confusing and frustrating experience. Whether you are looking to solve a health problem locally or globally, you need to know what choices you have, based on your specific health condition, budget requirements and destination considerations.

Our aim is to increase the amount of choices patients are provided ensuring affordable, high quality medical care – anywhere in the world. Our focus is on providing patients with the most up-to-date, reliable and user-friendly information available which will go a long way to helping them make the right choice. We believe that when making healthcare decisions the more information patients have available the better, and that’s why we are constantly thinking of new ways to improve access to healthcare for patients all over the world.

The International Hospital and Clinics platform is an excellent information resource used by Patients worldwide, providing detailed information about a wide range of approved medical procedures.

Clinics are listed with accreditation levels, staff experience, facility pictures, procedure prices and reviews from former patients. By using your personal dashboard, you contact the clinic staff directly. Simply send us an inquiry and we will help you get a personalised quote from a specialist. Each quote includes a treatment plan and cost estimate.

Quality of Care

Our vision is simple, providing patients with affordable, high quality care all around the world. Medical Travel Portal allows patients to search, evaluate and coordinate their healthcare options.

Patients will be able to access internationally accredited clinics and Hospitals with a free to use, user friendly search engine which will provide up to date, reliable information on the best International Healthcare Options.