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Uzmanlar Dental Clinic Testimonials


Excellent final result as well as a kind doctor I definitely recommend. " I came all the way from Michigan. Dr.Omer Kodan is very professional. He knows how to get excellent final result as well as a kind doctor. We discussed all the options available for my dental implant treatment. The clinic very nice, clean and modern you feel very comfortable in your visit as well as the staff very friendly like Dr Omer. Mr. Omer opened the clinic on Sunday for me with her staff. I highly recommend Dr. Omer for quality dental care and any one looking for high quality dentistry in Istanbul, Turkey.


I have done 1 implant + crown both treatments went smooth and i highly recommend this clinic, friendly staff and lovely people at the clinic. very responsible price too. I loved the staff and helpful attitude for the patient. Dr Omer Kodan is very professional dentist and I liked his post-treatment directions throw whatsapp with me. highly recommend


I had major dental work with dr omer and the service was exceptional from the minute i walked in there till the end will recommend. The service great and price was better than fair and they listen to you.