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Clinics Larnaca

Find Clinics in Larnaca Cyprus. Select the best Clinic in Larnaca Cyprus, save money on your treatment, compare reviews, prices and find all the information you need.

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2 Clinics in Larnaca
About Cyprus

Cyprus is an island country famous for being the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and is located in the Eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus has 2 official languages, Turkish and Greek and has a population of over 1.1 million.

Healthcare in Cyprus

The Cyprus Healthcare System consists of both private and public healthcare. The Public healthcare is very affordable if not free, particularly in the case of EU citizens.

The Transport System in Cyprus

Cyprus has no railway system, thus patients would need to use other methods of transport such as by road, air or sea to get to their destination. Just because their isn't a railway system, it doesn't mean that getting around cyprus is difficult, in fact the public bus system between the main centres is excellent. The easiest of all though would be to rent a car. Getting to and fro North Cyprus and South Cyprus is also reletaviely simple as long as you don't forget your passport, there are several checkpoints and all you have to do is show your passport.

Airports in Cyprus

The most popular airports in Cyprus are:

  1. Larnaca International Airport in Larnaca
  2. Paphos International Airport in Paphos

The information above is purely to help guide the patient and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of medicaltravelportal.com. Any treatment or healthcare option should be done upon proper consultation and advice by a qualified physician.