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Acupuncture Malta

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1 Acupuncture Clinic in Malta
About Malta

Malta is an island country located in the Mediterranean Sea with a population of over 445 000 people. Malta has 2 official languages, English and Maltese. Malta is famous for its cuisine, lifestyle, colourful history and of course is wonderful year round climate with over 300 days of sunshine a year.

Healthcare in Malta

Malta has been known as The Hospital of the Mediterranean thoughout history. The healthcare system in Malta consists of both public and private healthcare where the latter is funded by taxation and national insurance. oreigners from outside of the EU would have to take out private medical insurance. Due to Maltas high level of medical expertise and unique climate it is the number 1 destination for many medical tourists. Medical tourism in Malta consists of many different specialities and treatments ranging from dentistry to cardiac surgery and one of the most popular, cosmetic and plastic surgeries. Malta is an excellent location for medical tourists, boasting 5 star hotels, high healthcare standards, an amazingly sunny climate, no waiting lists and treatments at a fraction of the cost you'll pay at home.

The Transport System in Malta

Malta has a transport system that consists of buses, taxis and water ferries. Malta has a very modern and environmental friendly bus service that can get you to your destination with ease. You can also rent a car to get around Malta, but do remember that in Malta they drive on the left.

Airports in Malta

Malta only has one airport and serves the whole of Malta.

  • Malta International Airport in Malta

The information above is purely to help guide the patient and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of medicaltravelportal.com. Any treatment or healthcare option should be done upon proper consultation and advice by a qualified physician.