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Arm Lift Prague

Find Arm Lift in Prague Czech Republic. Select the best Arm Lift Clinic in Prague Czech Republic, save money on your treatment, compare reviews, prices and find all the information you need.

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2 Arm Lift Clinics in Prague
Arm Lift

Arm lift (or brachioplasty) is a type of surgery that improves the appearance of your arms by removing the excess skin that sags below your upper arms.

Arm Lift Treatment Duration

The procedure will be done using either a local anesthetic or general anesthesia. The surgery takes 60 – 90min. 

How long is Arm Lift Recovery Time?

Some discomfort and pain may be experienced after an arm lift.

Bandages and/or small tubes (placed in your arm to drain fluid) will be removed by your doctor after a couple of days. Your doctor will advise when stitches can be removed.

A compression sleeve will be worn for a few weeks following the procedure.

Avoid strenuous use of your arms or lifting them above shoulder level for a few days after the surgery.

You may need to take a couple of weeks leave from work after the surgery. Normal activities can usually be resumed 6 weeks after surgery.

What are Arm Lift Risks?

  • Scarring 
  • Asymmetry 
  • Changes in skin sensation 
  • Inflammation caused by stitches

About Czech Republic

Czech Republic is a country located in Central Europe with a population of over 10 million people. The official language is Czech and the largest city is Prague, citizens live a high standard of living. Czech Republic is famous for being the number 1 beer drinking country in the world and also for having the biggest concentration of castles in the world.

Healthcare in Czech Republic

Czech Republic is known for its quality of healthcare treatments. The Healthcare System in Czech Republic consists of Public and Private healthcare, where public healthcare for Czech citizens are free. Czech Republic has a lot of high quality private healthcare facilities that offer world class treatments and care at a fraction of the cost you would pay at home. This makes the Czech Republic an excellent destination for medical tourism.

The Transport System in Czech Republic

The transport network in the Czech Republic consists of air, road and rail and this makes it very easy to reach your destination. Czech republic is seen as one of the main connection points in Europe. Most locations are easy to reach but the best option could be to rent a car and take in the sites as you head for your destination.

Airports in Czech Republic

The most popular airports in the Czech Repubic are:

  1. Václav Havel Airport in Prague
  2. Brno-Tuřany Airport in Brno
  3. Leoš Janáček Airport in Ostrava
  4. Karlovy Vary Airport in Karlovy Vary
  5. Pardubice Airport in Pardubice

The information above is purely to help guide the patient and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of medicaltravelportal.com. Any treatment or healthcare option should be done upon proper consultation and advice by a qualified physician.